[Javascript] String.replace and arrays

Julien Nadeau junado at junado.com
Fri Sep 23 18:14:01 CDT 2005

Good evening,

I'm rather puzzled by something I've encountered while playing with  
the string.replace() regex function in JavaScript.

I have a string that contains text like this:

var string = "this is some text [s]mouth.gif[/s] and some more text  

Where "[s]mouth.gif[/s]" and "[s]tongue.gif[/s]" refers to smiley  

I'm trying to replace theses with their corresponding ASCII, such as  
":D" and ":P".

Using string.replace(), I got this regular expression that spot the  
[s] tags and parse the content.

var parsedString = string.replace(/\[s\]([a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+)+\[\/s\]/gi,  

However, I'm trying to get that $1 value and use it as an array index  
where I can store all corresponding ASCII values relative to filenames.

I've tried a few, but yet unsuccesful, solutions.

Anyone here has an idea on how to make this work?

Julien Nadeau
junado at junado.com

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