[Javascript] Modern usage

Bill Moseley moseley at hank.org
Wed Apr 19 09:47:38 CDT 2006

I'm updating a site and I'm questioning some of the javascript.  I'm
quite new to javascript, but I'm wondering how much of this might be
for very old browsers, and how much is still required today.

For example:

I'm seeing usage like 

    if (document.images) {

which from googling seems like that's testing for IE3's lack of
support. Do I need to worry about IE3 users today?

I also see


instead of getElementByID.  What percent of browsers don't support
that DOM method?

The page also is using ypSlideoutMenu from 2001.  Anyone familiar
with this?  Would you consider it acceptable javascript?



Bill Moseley
moseley at hank.org

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