[Javascript] Check boxs and table row back ground colors

Mike Dougherty mdougherty at pbp.com
Tue Apr 25 10:06:32 CDT 2006

If you're going to make a bold statement about strict validation, I will one-up that with the best 
practice suggestion to not register javascript inline either.  Also, you probably want to make the 
method fire a function rather than directly manipulating object properties.  Then that function 
should probably only alter the className property.

maybe something like this:
HTML: <input ... onMethod="highlightrow( this );" caveat="inline example easier to type up">

function highlightrow( obj ){
   loTD = obj.parentNode; /* reference the TD containing the element that fired the method */
   loTR = loTD.parentNode; /* reference the TR */
     loTR.className += " highlighted"; /* add the 'highlighted' class to this element */
   else {
     loTR.className = loTR.className.replace(/\shighlighted/g,""); /* remove the class */

tr { background-color: white; }
tr.highlighted { background-color: not-white; }

Note:  that regexp is probably not 100% right (sorry)

On Tue, 25 Apr 2006 15:57:12 +1000
  "Abyss - Information" <Info at Abyss.ws> wrote:
> the page is XHTML 1.1 strict compliant (which every page should be - *ducts from the objects 
>that non compliant people throw*)
>        <input id="chkbxID<%=rs("ID")%>" name="chkbxID" type="checkbox" value="<%=rs("ID")%>" 
>onselect="this.style.background-color='#123456';" />

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