[Javascript] disableselect in firefox

Troy III Ajnej trojani2000 at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 2 18:50:07 CST 2006

This is a repost, since my original post is still cycling on servers, not 
being delivered for about an hour now.

Thanks for your repllies.

I'm sending my source code for IE somewhat modified for FX, but it doesn't 
work in it. One of the problems is that I'm not geting any error report in 
JavaScript Console with this version of code.

Is it possible to make this code happen in FX as it does in IE?


IMG { height: 45px; border: 2px ridge #444499; background: white; 
text-align: center; margin:1px}
#display { width:204; color: #7B8EBD; text-indent: 6; font: bold 8pt arial; 
border: 2px solid #222233; background: black; text-align: center; 
#BASE { border-style:ridge; border-color:#63659C; width:200; height:150; 
text-align: center; margin:1px}
INPUT,BUTTON { width: 98px; font: bold 8pt arial;  text-align: center; 
#navigator { position: absolute; Top: 120px; Left: 10px; width:230px; 
height:460px; text-align: center;margin:1px}
#navcapt { background: #202020; cursor: default; color: white; border: 1px 
outset white; font:bold 8pt Arial; text-align: center; margin:1px}
#navbody { display:block; text-align: center;margin:1px}

<body style="color: #52B6DE; width: 100%; background: #0A0A0F">


<DIV id="navigator">
  <LEGEND id="navcapt">&nbsp NAVIGATOR &nbsp</LEGEND>
   <DIV id='navbody'>
    <BUTTON id="load" Accesskey="L"><u>L</u>OAD </BUTTON><BUTTON id="galery" 
Accesskey="G"><u>G</u>ALLERY</BUTTON><br />
    <IMG ID="BASE" SRC="LOGO.JPG" width="200" height="150" /><br />
    <BUTTON id="show" Accesskey="H"><u>H</u>IGH RES</BUTTON><BUTTON 
id="save" Accesskey="S"><u>S</u>AVE</BUTTON><br />
    <BUTTON id="moveleft"Accesskey=","><u>&lt;</u> MOVE   </BUTTON><BUTTON 
id="moveright" Accesskey=".">   MOVE <u>&gt;</u></BUTTON>
    <DIV ID="display">monitor</DIV>




var dx, dy, mobile='false', dragged='false'

// vars added for W3C element refference compliance!

var navigator=document.getElementById("navigator")
var navcapt=document.getElementById("navcapt")
var nv=document.getElementById("navbody")

function expandcolapse(){

function enablemove(event){ if(!event) event = window.event //suppressing 
'event not defined' in firefox
dragged='false';                       //revive toggle navigator
dx=event.screenX-navigator.offsetLeft // (a-b) always >= 0

function disablemove(){mobile='false'}

function mousefollower(event){ if(!event) event = window.event //suppressing 
'event not defined' in firefox
    navigator.style.posLeft= (event.screenX-dx)  // IE supports "event.x" 
over "event.clientX" and "screenX" also.
    navigator.style.posTop = (event.screenY-dy) }

function canceldefault(){dragged='true'; return false}

document.onmousemove=mousefollower //prevent mouse escaping from draged-el
navigator.onselectstart=canceldefault //disable select
navigator.ondragstart = canceldefault //disable image drag
navcapt.onclick = expandcolapse



Troy III
progressive art enterprise

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