[Javascript] TextNodes

Tom Allison tallison at tacocat.net
Tue Mar 28 20:16:55 CST 2006

I'm by no means an expert Javascript kind of guy but I felt it was about time to 
start trying it again (the browser wars burned me out).  A lot has changed.

I'm playing around with some XMLHTTPRequest stuff and came up with a small 
dilema for me that hopefully is easier for others.

I want to be able to pull from the server either a preformatted HTML string or a 
multiline string and insert it into the clients <div> segment.

This I know presents some problems because the TextNode cannot, by definition, 
hold anything like a <b> or <p> tags.  But I don't know enough of the 
alternatives to be able to sort this one out.  Is there where responseXML takes 
precedence over the responseText method of the Request object?

How do you use them?

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