[Javascript] To DOM or not -- calendar popup

Bill Moseley moseley at hank.org
Wed Mar 29 12:58:48 CST 2006

Ok, so I have a form with a text input field that holds date strings.

Next to the field I have an image of a calendar which runs a
javascript popup.  That should not display if javascript is not

So, do I:

1) Wrap the calendar image and link in a <div style="display: none">
and enable it in a later script block?

2) or in the script search for the input field and then append the
<img>  to the field's parent node list?[1]

Seems like 2 is the "correct" way to go, but seems like a bit more

[1] Hum, or would you append to the <input> field?

Bill Moseley
moseley at hank.org

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