[Javascript] atomic operations

Peter Brunone peter at brunone.com
Mon May 1 11:19:59 CDT 2006

		   I would assume it's the same thing that happens if you try to make more than two simultaneous connections any other way in IE:  they get queued and either start up when a conn is available, or time out if it takes too long.

   Not sure what the timeout figure is, though... or if you can control it.


				From: "Matt Warden" <mwarden at gmail.com>

On 5/1/06, Mike Dougherty wrote:
> fyi: I also remember reading about the fact that xmlhttp is limited to two simultaneous
> connections - I'm not sure if that's per instance or for all pages trying to use the control.

I believe this is only in IE. Incidentally, does anyone know what
happens after those two simultaneous connections? Do the calls block?

Matt Warden
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