[Javascript] help

David Dorward david at dorward.me.uk
Mon May 8 10:46:49 CDT 2006

On Mon, May 08, 2006 at 01:18:57PM +0700, andy78 at centrin.net.id wrote:
> is anyone hear about fingerprint that can be using Javascript to send the
> data.

If I understand you correctly...

First you would need some fingerprint reading hardware on the
client. Then you need an API that lets you talk to it - and, as far as
I know, no browser comes with one built in.

Then you need to get the data, the specifics of which depend on the
API, and send it off to the server (which probably involves populating
a form and submitting it, or playing with XMLHttpRequest - and there
is plenty of material out there that Google knows about to help with

David Dorward                                      http://dorward.me.uk

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