JavaScript debugging Was: [Javascript] Getting object property names as a string

Scott Reynen scott at
Wed May 24 23:02:17 CDT 2006

On May 24, 2006, at 7:33 PM, Matt Warden wrote:

> "Beware: the above will likely cause you to force-quit your browser if
> test is a DOM node.  After making that mistake three or four times, I
> learned to write to the DOM instead of alerts when I'm debugging   
> objects."
> And, to that, I say:
> Firebug is your friend:

Most of my debugging involves getting JavaScript to work reliably or  
degrade gracefully across all browsers.  Any browser-specific  
debugging solution isn't going to help me much here, as the FireBug  
FAQ is quick to say:

"Second, we implement a version of FireBug that displays logging  
inside of the web page, like certain other Javascript logging  
frameworks. This is the kind of thing I created FireBug to avoid, but  
it's better than nothing when you're testing with another browser.  
You do 99% of your development in Firefox anyway, right? :)"

I do 99% of my development in multiple browsers to approximate the  
diverse conditions my target audience.  Isn't that standard practice  
by now?


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