[Javascript] Is integer?

Peter Lauri lists at dwsasia.com
Mon May 29 05:14:42 CDT 2006

Great stuff Nick and all others that answered,

I followed you on every word that you said (lucky that I have mathematic
background). It solved both the LEAP issues and the JAVASCRIPT issues that I
wanted to solve so thank you a lot.

Very easy solution and it also give insight in how to use operators directly
to return true or false. I did if-else and returned after that, but you
simplified it and just returned the statement directly. Thanks again :)

Peter Lauri

-----Original Message-----
From: javascript-bounces at LaTech.edu [mailto:javascript-bounces at LaTech.edu]
On Behalf Of Nick Fitzsimons
Sent: Monday, May 29, 2006 9:18 PM
To: [JavaScript List]
Subject: Re: [Javascript] Is integer?

Peter Lauri wrote:
> Best group member,
> Is there any function that checks if something is an integer? I did not
> one and created this temporary function:
> function isInteger(thenumber) {
> 	thenumberceil = Math.ceil(thenumber);
> 	if(thenumberceil>thenumber) return false;
> 	else return true;	
> }

You could use:

function isInteger(thenumber) {
    return parseInt(thenumber) == thenumber;

> Why I actually need this is because I need to find out if a year is a
> year" (do not know the English word, but the years when February has 29
> instead of 28). Is there any function for that? I created this temporary
> function:
> function isSkottYear(y) {
> 	yeardiv = y/4;
> 	if(isInteger(yeardiv)) return true;
> 	else return false;
> }

It's called a "leap year" in English. One problem with your current 
function is that it doesn't account of the special rules governing 
century years: specifically, a century year (e.g. 1600, 1700, 1800) is 
only a leap year if it's divisible by 400. So 1600 was a leap year, but 
1700, 1800 and 1900 weren't. (Even Microsoft and other big corporations 
have got this wrong in the past.) To take account of this, use:

function isSkottYear(y) {
       y should be evenly divisible by 4,
       unless it's a century year (evenly divisible by 100)
       in which case it must also be evenly divisible by 400
    return (y % 4 == 0) && ((y % 100 != 0) !! (y % 400 == 0));

This uses the "%" operator, properly called the modulus operator: it 
returns the remainder of an integer division, so for example 10 mod 4 = 
2. By comparing the result to zero, you get rid of the need for 
isInteger. The different conditions are then combined using logical AND 
(&&) and logical OR (||) to produce either true or false:

year IS divisible-without-remainder by 4 (y % 4 == 0)
AND (year IS NOT divisible-without-remainder by 100 (y % 100 != 0)
     OR year IS divisible-without-remainder by 400)

In even simpler language (I'm trying to make sure my logic is right here 
:-), this means "The year is divisible by 4, and is either not divisible 
by 100 or is divisible by 400."

Complicated things, dates :-)



P.S. For more on the % operator, see the Core JavaScript documentation at
or Microsoft's JScript documentation at
Nick Fitzsimons

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