[Javascript] dynamically hide an element

Paul Novitski paul at juniperwebcraft.com
Tue Nov 28 18:55:43 CST 2006

At 11/28/2006 04:37 PM, Stephan Wehner wrote:
>  document.getElementById("ed1").style.visibility="none";
>instead of
>  document.getElementById("ed1").style.visibility="hidden";

No, "hidden" is correct for visibility.  Perhaps you're thinking of 
display: none.

CSS 2.1 Specification
11.2 Visibility: the 'visibility' property

     Value:      visible | hidden | collapse | inherit

MSDN DHTML Reference
visibility Attribute | visibility Property

Possible Values

     sVisibility String that specifies or receives one of the following values.
     inherit     Default. Object inherits the visibility of the next 
parent object.
     visible     Object is visible.
     hidden      Object is hidden.


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