[Javascript] Mapping Image

Paul Novitski paul at juniperwebcraft.com
Thu Sep 14 00:00:33 CDT 2006

At 9/13/2006 10:06 AM, Henrique Rennó wrote:
>Just one more question. Is there a way to zoom 
>in and zoom out part of an image? Like make two 
>buttons for zoom in and out to change the image visualization.

It's hard to know exactly what you're visualizing 
with such a brief description.

You could have two copies of the image on the 
server, one small and one large.  Click on the small to reveal the large.

Or you could divide the large image into 
segments, and reveal a large segment each time 
you click on the corresponding segment of the small image.

Or you could create a magnifying glass metaphor 
to follow the mouse-pointer when you're over the 
small image.  The large image is the background 
image of the magnifying glass, although only a 
part of it is revealed at any one time.  As you 
move the mouse-pointer over the small image, the 
CSS background-position of the magnifying glass shifts accordingly.


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