[Javascript] Image PreLoad

Nick Fitzsimons nick at nickfitz.co.uk
Thu Sep 21 14:11:57 CDT 2006

On 21 Sep 2006, at 19:38, Flávio Gomes wrote:

> myPreload = document.createElement("img");
> //myPreload.src = "http://www.google.com/intl/en/images/logo.gif";
> // A couple of large images to test
> //myPreload.src = "http://www.plantzafrica.com/vegetation/vegimages/ 
> funderstoreyzululand.jpg";
> myPreload.src = "http://www.forestserviceni.gov.uk/our_forests/ 
> forests/east%20district/images/belvoir/belvoir_1.jpg";
> myPreload.onload = function() { alert(" I'm Loaded!  
> ");               //Fires on onload
>                                document.body.appendChild 
> (myPreload); //Append the image to the document
>                                alert(" Here I am!  
> ");                //Says "Hello"? =)
>                                this.onload =  
> "";                     // BUG FIX HERE
>                              };
> People please test this code for me?
> On my Mozilla the onload event kept on spamming all the time...


The following worked for me on Safari 2.0.4, Firefox 1.5 Mac, Opera 9  
Mac, Firefox 1.5 Windows, and IE 6 Windows:

var img = document.createElement("img");
img.onerror = function(e) {
	// this event on the img element is apparently not supported by Safari
	alert("error loading image");
img.onload = function(e) {
	alert("image loaded");
img.setAttribute("src", "/static/images/bullet.gif");

Not sure what your problem is (I find it unlikely that your onload  
handler is sending unsolicited commercial email) but note that your  
image onload handler is attempting to append the image to the body,  
and it's entirely possible that the body doesn't exist in the DOM at  
that point in time; that would give you an error. If you mean that  
it's giving an error message in the JS Console, posting that message  
might help.


Nick Fitzsimons

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