[Javascript] document.createElement("TBODY")

Michael Borchers list at tridemail.de
Tue Apr 17 02:09:39 CDT 2007

> Michael Borchers wrote:
>> but how do i fill the new row with ready-made-HTML from an ajax request?
>> innerHTML won't work in IE and i can't create all the elements for that 
>> row
>> because they have to be generated dynamically from my ajax script.
> Sorry, why is it that you "can't" parse your response and create the
> appropriate elements to append to your new TBODY?
> -- 
> Hassan Schroeder ----------------------------- hassan at webtuitive.com

Hi Hassan,
the response can be whatever I want, a TBODY or TR. Let's say it is a TBODY
and I want to parse it into my existing table before the TFOOT.
I could simply use the ID of the TABLE and parse it via innerHTML.
Works fine in FF but not in IE, since IE does not support writing the
TABLEs innerHTML, only reading.

Is there any other way to parse the response than innerHTML?
Sure, I could create the elements I need TR, TD etc., but it would
bring nothing since I can't use innerHTML there too and creating
a textNode would not allow to parse a response with HTML f.e.:(

any idea?!


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