[Javascript] Need some help validating a form

James Macdiarmid James.Macdiarmid at cgifederal.com
Wed Apr 18 11:06:51 CDT 2007

I have an application that keeps track of keywords. On the page I have 2
forms. One called frmEditKeywords and the other frmAddKeywords. The
frmEditKeywords calls the ValidateEditKeywords function on submit.The
frmEditKeywords has a couple control arrays such as a Textbox array, a
Dropdown Select box array, and a checkbox array.
Is there a way to only validate the textboxes on submit rather than
doing the whole form?  Now I can't make updates using the dropdowns or
the checkboxes. It goes through the textbox validation first.
Hopefully the way I described this is understandable.  Let me know if
it's not clear. 
Thank you in advance,

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