[Javascript] dynamic var names

Scott Reynen scott at randomchaos.com
Tue Aug 7 17:22:37 CDT 2007

On Aug 7, 2007, at 3:18 PM, Troy III Ajnej wrote:

> My understanding is that you are trying to asign a value to the value!

Not exactly.  A dynamic variable name would assign a value to a  
variable with the name of a value.  It's a pretty obscure concept,  
but in PHP, for example, you can do this like so:

$variableName = 'foo';
${ $variableName } = 'bar';
print( $foo ); // outputs 'bar'

I've only ever found that useful in two contexts, neither of which  
appear to apply here: 1) obfuscation (i.e. making code more confusing  
than necessary) and 2) meta-programming (i.e. writing another  
programming language within PHP).


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