[Javascript] Spell Checker

Del Wegener del at delweg.com
Mon Aug 13 14:21:16 CDT 2007


Your guessing is correct.  If you care to look at an example where I want to 
implement the spell checker, go to:
and click on the first FIB Quiz menu item (in green)

As I mentioned in an earlier post, some questions will require more than a 
single word.

Later I would like to implement questions where the student must write an 
entire definition or rule or property.

If it were not for these anticipated extensions, I would simply use 
JavaScript to compare the student's entry with a few common misspellings.


> Re Nice to have or need to have, I suspect the goal here is to automate 
> the
> testing process, so likely his 'answer' checker might require good
> spelling. BUT that is 100% guess on my part.
> John Warner

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