[Javascript] (no subject)

John Pillion lists at jdpill.com
Tue Aug 28 16:36:36 CDT 2007

thanks for the tips everyone, I got it working via the DOM, as suggested.

another question.  Are there any issues with IE7 and style.visibility?  
the following line works fine in firefox, but has no effect in IE.  I 
say "has no effect" as using an alert() before and after shows that the 
property *is* being changed, though IE7 does not  reflect the change.  
I'm not near a computer with IE previous to 7, so I can't test it there.

document.getElementById('statusLayer').style.visibility = "visible";

Thanks in advance!

Hassan Schroeder wrote:
> lists at jdpill.com wrote:
>> That being the case, if I want to insert two rows into the table, using
>> javascript, how could I do that within the bounds of valid HTML? One of
>> two code options is inserted by the js - one option having one row, the
>> second having two...? by inserting two rows (which will have rows before
>> and after), I'm going to have to have the div overlapping the cells and
>> rows at some point?
> The point is you shouldn't be using a DIV here at all; it doesn't
> belong in a table.
> Either insert your innerHTML into a TR, or insert an entire row
> into a TBODY, which is probably better if you have a situation of
> possible multiple row insertions.
> Or add it via DOM and skip the innerHTML entirely... :-)

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