[Javascript] Forward image via http with ajax

Scott Reynen scott at randomchaos.com
Sat Feb 3 17:25:17 CST 2007

On Feb 3, 2007, at 3:58 PM, Terry Riegel wrote:

>> I believe what you want to do is impossible.  If it's not, it  
>> should be, as it would allow a JavaScript to funnel content from a  
>> private LAN (presumably private to prevent just such funneling) to  
>> a remote server without user approval.
> Wouldn't the web browser be the "User Approval" part, or am I  
> missing something.

According to your earlier description:

On Feb 2, 2007, at 7:59 PM, Terry Riegel wrote:

> The only requirement for the client machine is a working web browser.

Simply opening a web page in a working web browser does not give that  
web page permission to take content from a private LAN and send it to  
a server outside the LAN.  There is no standard "Is it okay for this  
JavaScript to send local content to remote domains?" permission  
dialog in browsers, so users have no way of granting your JavaScript  
permission to do that.  Because the content being sent to remote  
domains may be protected within a private LAN for very good reasons  
(e.g. they don't want people outside the LAN seeing it), without  
explicit permission from users, browsers assume it is NOT okay to do  
what you want to do.  Why exactly can't you get the cooperation of  
either the LAN administrators (who could make the IP camera  
accessible from outside the LAN if they were okay with what you're  
doing) or the users (who could save and upload the images to your  
remote server if they were okay with what you're doing)?


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