[Javascript] Strictly speaking (Was Javascript Detection)

Mark Wonsil wonsil at 4m-ent.com
Wed Jan 3 07:02:02 CST 2007

Paul starts a mini-thread about XHTML strict to which David replies:

> To bring things back on topic, there is also the issue of Firefox
> often requiring hefty rewrites of JavaScript for use in XHTML, since
> you need to use namespace aware DOM methods, and avoid
> document.write().

While I have occasionally used document.write(), I've always thought it to be
a "dirty" way to alter pages. It sure is easier than using DOM methods but
does it not lend itself to creating errors of well-formedness and making
subsequent changes to the page more difficult - especially in a growing AJAX
world? Does document.write() have a place in a progressive enhancement

I'm just curious what others think.

Mark W.

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