[Javascript] Wait for a delayed function to end to start another...

Peter Brunone peter at brunone.com
Wed Jan 24 12:46:38 CST 2007

   What about another global variable that flips before when you call setTimeout, and resets when the function actually runs?

				From: Guillaume javascript at webdesignofficina.com

I have two functions showing / hiding layer, each one with a different 
Each function is fired with it's individual link: Show ( ShowDelayed() ) 
// Hide ( HideDelayed() )
How do I avoid these function of running together, at the same time, if 
a user clicks alternatively on the two links for example...
Each function should first end before the other one starts running...

I have to achieve this inside the script and can't use a delayed onclick 
for example...

Don't know if this is clear... Have a rough example below...


var HideChk = false;

function Hide() {
if (HideChk) return;
HideChk = true;
var opts1 = document.getElementById("options");
opts1.style.display = "none";

function HideDelayed() {

var ShowChk = false;

function Show() {
if (ShowChk) return;
ShowChk = true;
var opts1 = document.getElementById("options");
opts1.style.display = "block";

function ShowDelayed() {
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