[Javascript] Opening HTTP Text File

Peter Brunone peter at brunone.com
Wed Jul 11 13:43:53 CDT 2007

    This isn't canonical, but as I understand it, inherent in the FSO is the assumption that you are opening a file on the local file system (even though you may be using a mapped drive).  I don't think it has the capacity to use HTTP.

    However, you DO have the XMLHTTP object, which will make an HTTP request and bring back the text in its entirety (with no security issues like the FileSystemObject).  You can get the full content with the ResponseText (?) property, so you don't have to try to parse it as XML.  Just Google "Javascript ajax request" and you should get a ton of hits on this subject.



From: "Tim Lewis" twlewis at softhome.net

Can the ActiveX FSO OpenTextFile be used in Javascript to open a
Sharepoint based HTTP text file, or is it only for local text files?

Thank you,
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