[Javascript] ajax- demo

bruce bedouglas at earthlink.net
Tue Mar 13 12:49:11 CDT 2007


i'm trying to find a good ajax mailing list, or at least someone i can talk
to who might be able to shed light on how to acomplish what i'm trying to

i know this is a javascript list, but figured i'd post here to try to find
either an ajax list, or perhaps someone who can help with my issue.

i'm trying to get my hands around how to create an ajax function within a

                   |                     | <<<<<< test webapp running on
                   | +---------+         |        server1
          +------>>> | test    |         |
        ajax       | | ajax app|         |
       running on  | +---------+         |
       server2     |                     |
                   |   rest of webpage   |
                   |                     |
                   |                     |
                   |                     |
                             +<<<< user's client browser

i'm trying to figure out how i can have a piece of ajax, so the user can
provide an input, which then goes to an external server to get processed,
with the results being returned to the page for processing by the original

the actual ajax code should be 'served' up by the external server, allowing
the interaction to occur between the user's cleint browser, and the external

the idea is that we'd give a piece of jscript code to the server app, which
would then contain the link back to the ajax/jscript code on the external

a simple test would go along way towards me having a better understanding of
how this can/should work....


bedouglas at earthlink.net

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