[Javascript] styling text

Peter Brunone peter at brunone.com
Fri Nov 30 20:35:42 CST 2007

Have you tried using innerHTML?  As in 

span.innerHTML = span.innerHTML.replace("dirty", "<span class='blueWord'>dirty</span");

It may not be elegant enough for some, but it seems to do the job.




From: Scott Petersen petersen at ma.medias.ne.jp

I have a problem I can't seem to solve. I want to take this markup: 

dirty ?? I have to clean my room. It is dirty. and color the word "dirty" in the sentence blue, or set it off in some other way. I thought to create a span element and style it with CSS. However, I am not able to replace the plain text with the span element. I could mark the word up to begin with, but for work flow I thought I might try to let javascript do the work. Any thoughts? Scott Petersen By the way, the Japanese is merely a gloss of the English. 
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