[Javascript] innerHTML issues

David Lovering dlovering at gazos.com
Fri Oct 12 12:50:12 CDT 2007

Is there a safe-and-sane way of arranging for javascript-augmented HTML with 
new table entries (i.e; new=synthetically generated) to save or print as 
given?  I'm letting incoming events produce new table rows, and on the 
browser window everything looks as it ought to.  However, when the browser 
is instructed to save or print the contents, it reverts back to its original 
form.  Ideally I'd like to document the augmented table entries as a new 
HTML stream, but as it stands I'm having to duplicate the Javascript 
element-add routines with ones at the backend PHP server.  Not only does 
this slow things down considerably, but it complicates the code by an order 
of magnitude.

-- Dave Lovering

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