[Javascript] Grab close window call

Rees, Mark Mark.Rees at astrazeneca.com
Tue Apr 1 07:11:15 CDT 2008

Thanks for the advice so far.
What I have done is this. I have a page, that launches a pop window. Now, on the pop up window, I have this code in the <head>
<script language="javascript">
function confirmExit(){
return "Do u want to close this page?"
But I need to change the "return" statement to grab if they click "OK" or Cancel", as if they click "OK", I want to grab this and fire of an ajax call, and same goes for if the click "Cancel" I need to fire off an ajax call if they do that as well.
How can I alter that "return" statement to cope with these 2.
Any ideas would be great.
Use "confirm", like this

 if(confirm('do you want to close this page')){
    //do this
    //do that

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