[Javascript] how to get all onload functions

Troy III Ajnej trojani2000 at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 10 02:32:56 CDT 2008

(put this at the end of the last script entry and reload the page)The fuction attached to onload will be drawn on your alert box;
That is, the main function that will invoke all others after onload
event has fired. You will be able to read which functions are being
called by this initializer.
But there are other functions that are written to get executed as 
the page loads so you'll be forced to jump into that code and see
where they are.
I often write and invoke functions like this:
function myfunction(){ alert("This function ran on debugg time")}
//or maybe:
   function(){alert("This anonymous function ran when assigned to 'myVar'");
                  return "Sorry, - I allready fired my alert message!"}
  var myVar=document.runMy2ndAlert()
//now we'll alert the returned value of this function
                                     Troy III
                        progressive art enterprise

> Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2008 22:58:19 -0700> From: ovsnk-reachme at yahoo.com> To: javascript at lists.evolt.org> Subject: [Javascript] how to get all onload functions> > I want to know all the functions that are being executed as part of the onload event. Is there a way to know this? thanks> -nagendra> _______________________________________________> Javascript mailing list> Javascript at lists.evolt.org> http://lists.evolt.org/mailman/listinfo/javascript
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