[Javascript] Safari CSS problem revisited

J. Lester Novros II lester at denhaag.org
Fri Jul 18 18:07:05 CDT 2008

Earlier I wrote:

 > with the caveat that xPloders 7 & 8 return rulesLength as 1 more than
 > the actual number of rules in the style sheet.

It turns out I was mistaken. A more thorough investigation shows that both 
xPloders return the number of /selectors/ rather than the number of /rule 

So, when I have a stylesheet like this:

    overflow-x: auto;

    background-color: green;

    background-color: yellow;

Firefox et al return 3 for rules length whereas xPloder returns 5. It also 
only returns the first of the selectors if there is more than 1, i.e. when 
asked for the selector text of the first rule in the above sheet, it 
returns 'HTML' [in upper case] rather than 'html, body', which is what the 
others do.

I thought I'd let the list know to avoid any confusion.

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m$' business is scaled and its cost structure is optimized for really,
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                                                     Robert X. Cringely

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