[Javascript] IE/FF, getElementById and checkboxes

Peter Brunone peter at brunone.com
Thu May 1 07:23:39 CDT 2008

    I'm pretty sure* that if you refer to a form element by name *within the form structure* with a fully qualified name, you should be fine.  It would be an unfortunate loss if we no longer had the ability to work with form elements in that way.

* (I'm not a standards expert so feel free to DOM-slap me if I'm wrong)


From: "Rees, Mark" <Mark.Rees at astrazeneca.com>

This has always confused me, but in using getElementById, how do you write out the for loop instance differently: for(i = 0; i < actform.deluser.length; i++)  

Hassan Schroeder already provided one way to do this - put the following code before the loop, then the above syntax will work (if you change 'deluser' to 'delusers'), as it makes sure delusers is an array 

var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input");

var delusers = Array();

for ( var j = 0; j < inputs.length; j++ )


if ( inputs[j].name == "delusers" )






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