[Javascript] weird FX event model

Roger Roelofs rer at datacompusa.com
Sat May 3 22:22:40 CDT 2008


Troy III Ajnej wrote:
> I have e function like this:
> function onmouseover(e){
> -------------8<----------------
> As it turns out I understand that it is not the statement:
> document.onmouseover = onmouseover
> that causes the problem, but the name of the function itself.
> This means that you can use a never seen before syntax:
> function onclick(){alert ("I must have clicked somewhere")}
> And it will work!!!
> After discovering this weird hybrid (event-function) object, I've managed
> to eliminate the double function call by changing the name of the 
> function,
> naturally, but what do you call it? Is it some sort of a proprietary 
> shorthand
> scripting routine I never seen before, or what?
I could be wrong, but my understanding is that everything in Javascript 
is associated with an object.  In a browser environment, window is the 
top-level object, so all functions and variables that appear to be 
top-level items actually are properties and methods of the window 
object.  If that is true, then

function onmouseover(e) {}  is the same as
window.onmouseover = function(e) {}

So, the behavior you are seeing is the behavior I would have expected.



Roger Roelofs
Datacomp Appraisal Services
3215 Eaglecrest, NE            E: rer at datacompusa.com
Grand Rapids, MI  49525        W: http://www.datacompusa.com

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