[Javascript] js in chrome vs firefox

Paul M Foster paulf at quillandmouse.com
Wed Jan 12 14:09:42 CST 2011

On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 01:53:08PM -0600, jm wrote:

> js and oo are not my strong points so bear with me as i undoubtedly
> miss the proper naming conventions.  i have a page where one small
> portion behaves differently in chrome than it does in firefox and even
> ie.  the part in question is a group of text inputs where the user can
> enter the number of items they wish to purchase (1 of this item, 4 of
> that item, etc.)  as each field is populated, a dynamic table is
> recreated at the bottom of the page showing the new counts and
> purchase prices.  this works perfectly in firefox and ie (amazingly
> enough) but refuses to update properly in chrome.  below is the part
> of the script in question:

I don't know the answer, but I feel your pain. It's why I don't use
Chrome. When it first came out, I tried to run some of our internal
websites on it (which contain a minimal amount of Javascript). It would
not behave, and I couldn't imagine why. So if you find an answer, I'm


Paul M. Foster

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