[Javascript] AJAX Question re Chrome

Hassan Schroeder hassan at webtuitive.com
Thu Jul 18 12:10:18 CDT 2013

On 7/18/13 9:30 AM, Tedd Sperling wrote:

> Please observe how Chrome works with all controls EXCEPT for the Select -- it doesn't work.
> It appears that Chrome requires an event to fire before it accepts an update -- that's different from other Browsers behavior.
> Question: Is this  a problem with my code OR is it a Browser problem?

It's a standards problem :-)


Select element events are focus, blur, and change - not click,
at least per the HTML4 spec.


I don't know if there's any similar HTML5 spec on elements and
required events.  But apparently other browsers have support for
`onclick` on a select.

Also, for inline handlers like this, you don't need to include
the "javascript:" - it's implied.

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