[Sysadmin] DNS, part 2.

John Handelaar john at userfrenzy.com
Fri Apr 25 13:48:47 CDT 2003

We managed to retrieve the NetSol account details
again and I've reversed the changes.

I have also, *pending further decision-making in
the appropriate fora*, changed the password on the
account in order to prevent further unauthorised
screwing around, and assigned the 'Administrative
Contact' record to myself.

*Exceedingly* angry about this.  I want iron-clad
guarantees that this will NOT be permitted to 
happen again - rightfuckingnow.

John Handelaar

T +44 20 8459 4923       M +44 7930 681789
F +44 870 169 7657   E john at userfrenzy.com

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