[Sysadmin] Re: [Content] garrett, fyi

William Anderson neuro at well.com
Tue Aug 19 05:22:30 CDT 2003

Garrett Coakley wrote:

> On Sun, Aug 17, 2003 at 03:50:49PM +0100, Seb Potter wrote:
>>1. Garrett's signing doohickey that he uses should send mail as text/plain. 
>>That it doesn't isn't wrong, per-se, but it is bad.
> It's bad that nothing else can stick to the RFC (AFAIUI), but that's a
> different rant. *:)

Hey Garrett, fwiw, I'm in the middle of migrating from OE to Thunderbird, 
and it coped with your multipart messages with aplomb :)

_ __/|   ___  ___ __ _________ "When Microsoft Office is your only hammer,
\`O_o'  / _ \/ -_) // / __/ _ \ pretty much everything begins to look like
=(_ _)=/_//_/\__/\_,_/_/  \___/ a nail. Or a thumb." -- Rob Pegoraro
    U - Ack! Phttpt! Thhbbt!     neuro at well dot com  http://neuro.me.uk/

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