[Sysadmin] PHP Configuration

Dean Mah dmah at members.evolt.org
Wed Jan 8 00:36:05 CST 2003

I got the following message below through the m.e.o contact form.  I'm
guessing that this is because PHP is running in safe mode.  I've taken
a quick look in the PHP manual and it looks like I can specify an
include path in safe mode.  Are there any security risks doing this
for /usr/local/lib/php?


-- Forwarded Message --

At 2003-01-07 21:31:00 erikneves at mac.com ( sent:

Dear sir,

I am trying to learn how to use PEAR, but I just can\'t include it! I get
the following messages:

Warning:  open_basedir restriction in effect. File is in wrong directory
in /home/erik/public_html/index.php on line 11

Fatal error:  Failed opening required \'PEAR.php\'
(include_path=\'.:/usr/local/lib/php\') in
/home/erik/public_html/index.php on line 11

where line 11 is
require_once \"PEAR.php\";

Can you tell me what am I doing wrong?


Erik Neves

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