[Sysadmin] old leo/meo server

Ron Dorman rwd at csi1st.net
Fri May 2 11:59:07 CDT 2003

Dean Mah wrote:

>IIRC, sshd should startup on boot.  Check the
>/usr/local/sbin/sshd_config files to make sure that things like IP
>address are correct.  Do a 'ps -elf | grep sshd' to make sure that it
>is running.  If not, you can do '/usr/local/sbin/sshd' or there should
>be a startup script in /etc/init.d called sshd.
ok, finally found THE config file, several to choose from, and got ssh 
login from my desktop.

Thanks Dean.

OK, let me know what needs to be sent to who.  sysadmin list will kill 
attachment and let email through if I copy sysadmin on each one I send 
out, right?

Ron D.

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