[Sysadmin] [Fwd: Need help changing options]

Martin Burns yumyum at easyweb.co.uk
Thu Feb 3 13:38:38 CST 2005

I'll get Madhu's address subscribed - can someone look into why the pw
isn't being sent?


---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Need help changing options
From:    "Madhu Menon" <chef at shiokfood.com>
Date:    Thu, February 3, 2005 5:58 pm
To:      thechat-owner at lists.evolt.org


I can't for the life of me get my password emailed to me from the list 
options page. It says the password has been sent, but it never gets here.

Anyway, I want to enable mail delivery for thechat for chef at shiokfood.com

Could you please do that?

(And also look into why the password mail isn't being sent?)



<<<   *   >>>
Madhu Menon
Shiok Far-eastern Cuisine
Indiranagar, Bangalore

Chef's Notes: http://www.shiokfood.com/notes/

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 of the earth's marvels, beneath the  | 99.8% of all known spams stone dead.
 dust of habit." - Salman Rushdie     |

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