[Sysadmin] Moving on

David Kaufman david at gigawatt.com
Mon Mar 21 22:03:46 CST 2005

John Handelaar <john at userfrenzy.com> wrote:
> So Jeff has passed over all the weo data/images/attached files, as
> far as I know.  We need to stop new data going into thesite RFN,
> and do so without getting Jeff to do anything.
> Ideas?
> Options I can see:
> 1)  Move WEO A record to tempest, set up a reverse proxy in apache
>     to forward traffic to 'old' WEO, tell tempest that WEO is still
>     remote by modifying its /etc/hosts file.  And deny POST.

Very clever idea.  Lots of moving parts... but very clever :-)

But I don't even think you'd need the hosts file entry.  WEO responds to 
it's ip: so we could just pass through to that.

Two potential gotchas I can think of are:

A, of course is that performance might suffer noticably with all 
requests having to going through Dallas to Oregon, and response pages 
from Oregon back through Dallas to whoever requested them, But I spose 
we could do a few global tests to see if the 2 data centers are 
well-enough connected that this is a non-factor.

B, Oregon might block Dallas's IP, as has happened in the past when an 
inordinate amount of traffic hits the box from one place...

It'd be fairly trivial for Jeff to do, of course only if he would...

> More options?  Comments?

How about asking Jeff to do make weo read-only, and if he isn't able to 
do so on short notice -- he sounds quite busy -- then *advise* him that 
we're going to proxy the site, so he doesn't mistake it for an attack or 
something and take steps to block the traffic.

> 2)  Take WEO down in place of a holding page.

This might be necessary, but only if all else fails I would hope.


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