[Sysadmin] Fwd: confirm bcfc8d452bdbec5d8a04ce50999e08977ea37ea3

John Handelaar john at userfrenzy.com
Wed Feb 20 08:07:52 CST 2008

Weird automated attack on css-d, whose purpose I have not yet figured
out. (Is someone trying to nab the keys to the list by throwing *me in
particular* at the admin system?  Or are lots of these coming through
from various addresses?)

I have 4 of these this morning.  They originate in Bangladesh.


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From:  <css-d-request at lists.css-discuss.org>
Date: Feb 20, 2008 5:33 AM
Subject: confirm bcfc8d452bdbec5d8a04ce50999e08977ea37ea3
To: john at userfrenzy.com

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