[Sysadmin] Support Ticket: 5196436PLNT - Updated

David Kaufman david at gigawatt.com
Mon Oct 20 07:48:46 CDT 2008

Hi William,

"William Anderson" neuro at well.com wrote:
> David, you're closing this ticket?


> Are you cancelling this server?


> Are we getting hardy put on?

Yes (at least I hope so!)

> What's happening?  Inquiring minds want to know :)

Sorry, I thought everyone had sent this:


Short story: I'm cheap (and want to be the coolest kid on the block) so I'm 
trying to do a remote O/S install.  If I succeed we'll have hardy.  If I 
only partially succeed, we may only have etch.  (and if fail -- tho failure 
is not an option -- I'll pay them to do the install, and we'll have hardy).

I'm currently doing dry-runs using similarly configured virtual machines. 
I'm doing a remote CentOS -> etch now, and then I'll tackle ubuntu.

It's taking a while because OS installs and re-installs take a long time, 
and (I have a newborn at home, so) my free time is a bit short.  But it's 
great fun!

And I'll keep you posted!


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