[Sysadmin] LogWatch for tempest

root root at tempest.evolt.org
Sun May 10 06:25:44 CDT 2009

 ################### LogWatch 5.2.2 (06/23/04) #################### 
       Processing Initiated: Sun May 10 06:25:17 2009
       Date Range Processed: yesterday
     Detail Level of Output: 10
          Logfiles for Host: tempest

 --------------------- Cron Begin ------------------------ 

Commands Run:
   User dmah:
      /home/dmah/bin/article_reminder.pl: 1 Time(s)
      /home/dmah/bin/comment_reminder.pl: 1 Time(s)
   User mailman:
      /usr/bin/python -S /home/mailman/lists.evolt.org/cron/checkdbs: 1 Time(s)
      /usr/bin/python -S /home/mailman/lists.evolt.org/cron/disabled: 1 Time(s)
      /usr/bin/python -S /home/mailman/lists.evolt.org/cron/gate_news: 288 Time(s)
      /usr/bin/python -S /home/mailman/lists.evolt.org/cron/nightly_gzip: 1 Time(s)
      /usr/bin/python -S /home/mailman/lists.evolt.org/cron/senddigests: 1 Time(s)
   User neuro:
      ~neuro/beo/oldbeo/mkarchivesize >/dev/null 2>&1: 1 Time(s)
   User root:
         run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly: 24 Time(s)
        [ -d /var/lib/php4 ] && find /var/lib/php4/ -type f -cmin +$(/usr/lib/php4/maxlifetime) -print0 | xargs -r -0 rm: 48 Time(s)
      /store/host/browsers.evolt.org/mkarchivesize: 1 Time(s)
      /usr/bin/freshclam --quiet -l /var/log/clam-update.log: 1 Time(s)
      /usr/sbin/ntpdate -su us.pool.ntp.org us.pool.ntp.org: 1 Time(s)
      /var/qmail/bin/qmailstats 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null: 1 Time(s)
      if [ -x /usr/bin/vnstat ] && [ `ls /var/lib/vnstat/ | wc -l` -ge 1 ]; then /usr/bin/vnstat -u; fi: 288 Time(s)
      test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily: 1 Time(s)
      test -x /usr/sbin/cron-apt && /usr/sbin/cron-apt: 1 Time(s)
   User www-data:
      [ -x /usr/lib/cgi-bin/awstats.pl -a -f /etc/awstats/awstats.conf -a -r /var/log/apache/access.log ] && /usr/lib/cgi-bin/awstats.pl -config=awstats -update >/dev/null: 144 Time(s)

 ---------------------- Cron End ------------------------- 

 --------------------- EXIM Begin ------------------------ 

--- Messages history ---

-MsgID: 1M2kgN-0004Hj-00: 
	2009-05-09 06:25:31 <= root at tempest.evolt.org U=root P=local S=28146
	2009-05-09 06:28:45 lists.evolt.org []: Connection timed out
	2009-05-09 06:28:45 == sysadmin at lists.evolt.org T=local_smtp defer (110): Connection timed out
	2009-05-09 06:28:45 failed to open DB file /var/spool/exim/db/retry: File exists
	2009-05-09 07:32:02 => sysadmin at lists.evolt.org R=passToQmail T=local_smtp H=lists.evolt.org []*
	2009-05-09 07:32:02 Completed
3 messages delivered immediately to 3 total recipients

 ---------------------- EXIM End ------------------------- 

 --------------------- httpd Begin ------------------------ 

0.12 MB transfered in 1296 responses  (1xx 0, 2xx 2, 3xx 847, 4xx 447, 5xx 0) 
 26 Images (0.01 MB),
 8 Documents (0.00 MB),
 1 Archives (0.00 MB),
 1149 Content pages (0.09 MB),
 9 Redirects (0.00 MB),
 2 Program source files (0.00 MB),
 101 Other (0.03 MB) 

Attempts to use 1 known hacks were logged 84 time(s)
  phpmyadmin   by 
 84 time(s) 

A total of 1 sites probed the server  

A total of 43 unidentified 'other' records logged
  GET /shaggy/javascript/create_slideshow HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 1 404 responses
  GET /mss2//bin/msgimport HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 2 404 responses
  GET /djc/temp/CREDITS HTTP/1.0 with response code(s) 1 404 responses
  GET /roundcube-0.1//bin/msgimport HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 2 404 responses
  GET /arijit/dw_ext HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 1 404 responses
  GET /webmail//bin/msgimport HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 2 404 responses
  GET /PHP-Login-System-with-Admin-Features/ll tell you. If you look in constants.php you HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 4 400 responses
  GET /rc//bin/msgimport HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 2 404 responses
  GET /signup.cfm HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 2 404 responses
  GET /cube//bin/msgimport HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 2 404 responses
  GET  HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 2 400 responses
  GET /PHP-Login-System-with-Admin-Features/, make sure your database name and password information is specified correctly in constants.php. If you still can HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 4 400 responses
  GET /php-login-system-with-admin-features\" class=http://www.bujarademi.com/flash/exe.txt??     HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 7 400 responses
  GET /jeff/code/dhtml_form_rollover/index.cfm HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 2 404 responses
  GET /w00tw00t.at.ISC.SANS.DFind:) HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 6 400 responses
  GET /burhankhalid/index.rdf HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 1 404 responses
  GET /wm//bin/msgimport HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 2 404 responses
  GET /roundcube-0.2//bin/msgimport HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 2 404 responses
  GET /rms//bin/msgimport HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 2 404 responses
  GET /roundcubemail//bin/msgimport HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 2 404 responses
  GET /signup.cfm%C2%A0%C2%A0 HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 1 404 responses
  GET /aleem HTTP/1.0 with response code(s) 1 404 responses
  GET /isaac/photos/index.cfm?currentnum=18 HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 1 404 responses
  GET /roundcube//bin/msgimport HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 2 404 responses
  GET HTTP/1.1 HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 1 400 responses
  GET /mantruc/blog HTTP/1.0 with response code(s) 1 404 responses
  - with response code(s) 14 408 responses
  GET /jeff/code/js_url_variables/index.cfm HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 2 404 responses
  GET /jeff/code/form_to_window/index.cfm HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 1 404 responses
  GET /mail2//bin/msgimport HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 2 404 responses
  GET /round//bin/msgimport HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 2 404 responses
  GET /isaac/photos/index.cfm?currentnum=18 HTTP/1.0 with response code(s) 1 404 responses
  GET /roundcubemail-0.1//bin/msgimport HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 2 404 responses
  GET /isaac/photos/index.cfm?currentnum=46 HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 1 404 responses
  GET /isaac/photos/index.cfm?currentnum=71 HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 1 404 responses
  GET /jeff/code/imagemap_rollover/index.cfm HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 1 404 responses
  GET /bin/msgimport HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 2 404 responses
  GET /node/60384\" class=http://www.bujarademi.com/flash/exe.txt??     HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 8 400 responses
  GET /cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/weo_theme/print.module?rev=1.23&hideattic=0&view=markup HTTP/1.0 with response code(s) 1 404 responses
  GET /mail//bin/msgimport HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 2 404 responses
  GET /webmail2//bin/msgimport HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 2 404 responses
  GET /roundcubemail-0.2//bin/msgimport HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 2 404 responses
  GET /isaac/photos/index.cfm?currentnum=20 HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 1 404 responses

A total of 9 ROBOTS were logged 
      Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp; http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/ysearch/slurp) 2 time(s) 
      boo/Nutch-1.0 (boo) 1 time(s) 
      ia_archiver-web.archive.org 21 time(s) 
      SAMSUNG-SGH-E250/1.0 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/2.0 (compatible; Googlebot-Mobile/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html) 1 time(s) 
      msnbot-media/1.1 (+http://search.msn.com/msnbot.htm) 1 time(s) 
      larbin_2.6.3 (larbin2.6.3 at unspecified.mail) 1 time(s) 
      Speedy Spider (http://www.entireweb.com/about/search_tech/speedy_spider/) 1 time(s) 
      msnbot/2.0b (+http://search.msn.com/msnbot.htm) 18 time(s) 
      msnbot/1.1 (+http://search.msn.com/msnbot.htm) 9 time(s) 

 ---------------------- httpd End ------------------------- 

 --------------------- Kernel Begin ------------------------ 

1 Time(s): device eth0 entered promiscuous mode
1 Time(s): device eth0 left promiscuous mode
10 Time(s): sending pkt_too_big (len[1500] pmtu[1496]) to self

 ---------------------- Kernel End ------------------------- 

 --------------------- pam_unix Begin ------------------------ 

   Sessions Opened:
      root: 366 Time(s)
      mailman: 292 Time(s)
      www-data: 144 Time(s)
      dmah: 2 Time(s)
      neuro: 1 Time(s)

   Sessions Opened:
      (uid=0) -> nobody: 1 Time(s)

 ---------------------- pam_unix End ------------------------- 

 --------------------- sendmail Begin ------------------------ 

ERROR: Could not open /etc/mail/local-host-names

ERROR: Could not open /etc/mail/access

Message Size Distribution:
Range          # Msgs       KBytes
0 - 10k             0            0
10k - 20k           0            0
20k - 50k           0            0
50k - 100k          0            0
100k - 500k         0            0
500k - 1Mb          0            0
1Mb - 2Mb           0            0
2Mb - 5Mb           0            0
5Mb - 10Mb          0            0
10Mb+               0            0
TOTAL               0            0

 ---------------------- sendmail End ------------------------- 

 --------------------- SSHD Begin ------------------------ 

Couldn't resolve these IPs:
   rammgraph.com: 220 Time(s)

Didn't receive an ident from these IPs: 5 Time(s)
   gsc.dnssw.net ( 3 Time(s)
   rammgraph.com ( 2 Time(s)

Failed logins from these:
   accounts/password from 3 Time(s)
   all/password from 4 Time(s)
   apotankin/password from 3 Time(s)
   bhc/password from 3 Time(s)
   dbhatt/password from 10 Time(s)
   dmitry/password from 5 Time(s)
   evgeny/password from 5 Time(s)
   g4power/password from 4 Time(s)
   gkrellmd/password from 4 Time(s)
   gnokii/password from 4 Time(s)
   gopher/password from 7 Time(s)
   heidi/password from 8 Time(s)
   iserverd/password from 4 Time(s)
   mediabank/password from 10 Time(s)
   medina/password from 10 Time(s)
   music/password from 10 Time(s)
   nut/password from 8 Time(s)
   nworld/password from 4 Time(s)
   oubiwann/password from 8 Time(s)
   pcap/password from 7 Time(s)
   pdns/password from 4 Time(s)
   pradeep/password from 4 Time(s)
   privoxy/password from 10 Time(s)
   psx/password from 4 Time(s)
   pvm/password from 4 Time(s)
   quagga/password from 12 Time(s)
   radiusd/password from 8 Time(s)
   root/password from 22 Time(s)
   scaballa/password from 10 Time(s)
   spider/password from 10 Time(s)
   steve/password from 10 Time(s)
   takagi/password from 10 Time(s)
   testuser/password from 17 Time(s)
   testy/password from 1 Time(s)
   user/password from 22 Time(s)
   user1/password from 2 Time(s)
   user2/password from 2 Time(s)
   user3/password from 1 Time(s)
   user4/password from 1 Time(s)
   user5/password from 1 Time(s)
   webalizer/password from 3 Time(s)
   www/password from 10 Time(s)

Illegal users from these:
   accounts/none from 3 Time(s)
   accounts/password from 3 Time(s)
   all/none from 4 Time(s)
   all/password from 4 Time(s)
   apotankin/none from 3 Time(s)
   apotankin/password from 3 Time(s)
   bhc/none from 3 Time(s)
   bhc/password from 3 Time(s)
   dbhatt/none from 10 Time(s)
   dbhatt/password from 10 Time(s)
   dmitry/none from 5 Time(s)
   dmitry/password from 5 Time(s)
   evgeny/none from 5 Time(s)
   evgeny/password from 5 Time(s)
   g4power/none from 4 Time(s)
   g4power/password from 4 Time(s)
   gkrellmd/none from 4 Time(s)
   gkrellmd/password from 4 Time(s)
   gnokii/none from 4 Time(s)
   gnokii/password from 4 Time(s)
   gopher/none from 7 Time(s)
   gopher/password from 7 Time(s)
   heidi/none from 8 Time(s)
   heidi/password from 8 Time(s)
   iserverd/none from 4 Time(s)
   iserverd/password from 4 Time(s)
   mediabank/none from 10 Time(s)
   mediabank/password from 10 Time(s)
   medina/none from 10 Time(s)
   medina/password from 10 Time(s)
   music/none from 10 Time(s)
   music/password from 10 Time(s)
   nut/none from 8 Time(s)
   nut/password from 8 Time(s)
   nworld/none from 4 Time(s)
   nworld/password from 4 Time(s)
   oubiwann/none from 8 Time(s)
   oubiwann/password from 8 Time(s)
   pcap/none from 7 Time(s)
   pcap/password from 7 Time(s)
   pdns/none from 4 Time(s)
   pdns/password from 4 Time(s)
   pradeep/none from 4 Time(s)
   pradeep/password from 4 Time(s)
   privoxy/none from 10 Time(s)
   privoxy/password from 10 Time(s)
   psx/none from 4 Time(s)
   psx/password from 4 Time(s)
   pvm/none from 4 Time(s)
   pvm/password from 4 Time(s)
   quagga/none from 12 Time(s)
   quagga/password from 12 Time(s)
   radiusd/none from 8 Time(s)
   radiusd/password from 8 Time(s)
   scaballa/none from 10 Time(s)
   scaballa/password from 10 Time(s)
   spider/none from 10 Time(s)
   spider/password from 10 Time(s)
   steve/none from 10 Time(s)
   steve/password from 10 Time(s)
   takagi/none from 10 Time(s)
   takagi/password from 10 Time(s)
   testuser/none from 17 Time(s)
   testuser/password from 17 Time(s)
   testy/none from 1 Time(s)
   testy/password from 1 Time(s)
   user/none from 22 Time(s)
   user/password from 22 Time(s)
   user1/none from 2 Time(s)
   user1/password from 2 Time(s)
   user2/none from 2 Time(s)
   user2/password from 2 Time(s)
   user3/none from 1 Time(s)
   user3/password from 1 Time(s)
   user4/none from 1 Time(s)
   user4/password from 1 Time(s)
   user5/none from 1 Time(s)
   user5/password from 1 Time(s)
   webalizer/none from 3 Time(s)
   webalizer/password from 3 Time(s)
   www/none from 10 Time(s)
   www/password from 10 Time(s)

**Unmatched Entries**
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER

 ---------------------- SSHD End ------------------------- 

 --------------------- Syslogd Begin ------------------------ 

Syslogd started 1 Time(s)

 ---------------------- Syslogd End ------------------------- 

------------------ Disk Space --------------------

/dev/hda3              72G   54G   14G  80% /
/dev/hda1              92M  6.3M   81M   8% /boot

 ###################### LogWatch End ######################### 

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