[Sysadmin] crashplan

David Kaufman david at gigawatt.com
Sat Apr 21 21:16:49 CDT 2012

Hi neuro,

Sorry for the late replies -- I setup crashplan last year.

Here was the only memo:


I had recently begun using crashplan to backup my work and home 
machines, and was (and still am) very happy with it, when evolt's disk 
crashed and we had no db backup.  We lost several months of db changes. 
  Fortunately that only meant we lost one (of aardvark's) articles

It is free when using it in "backup to a friend" mode, when I found they 
had a linux version I decided it would be good to have offsite backups, 
so I set it up to backup daily to a machine I have at home that is 
always on, has a big drive, and that I use for my home backups and as a 
secondary for my work backups.

But if it is using too many resources or causing any other problems, I'd 
be happy to hear suggestions about what to replace it with... i was 
thinking dirvish, but this was just so quick and easy i decided anything 
now was better than something really clever much later or -- the way i 
tend to procrastinate -- maybe never.

would you suggest another backup system?


On 3/2/2012 5:38 AM, William Anderson wrote:
> Hi kids,
> I must have missed a memo somewhere.  Why is Crash Plan running on
> tron, using nearly 10% of our 1GiB of RAM?
> -n
> ps, I know what it is, I can just think of more optimal backup methods is all.
> ----------------------------------------
> so, are we gonna get this vote on for
> the EvoltSysadmin mascot or what?

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