[Sysadmin] crashes

David Kaufman david at gigawatt.com
Wed Jun 13 14:03:28 CDT 2012

On 6/11/2012 1:39 PM, William Anderson wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 5:48 PM, Dean Mah<dean.mah at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> The box keeps crashing today.  What are the chances we can replace the hardware?
> The box has been crashing for months, it seems.  How much are we
> paying a month for this again?  I've genuinely forgotten.


And I'm sure they'd love us to leave.  This is ServerMatrix pricing, 
from years ago.  Since then, they merged with EV-1, became ThePlanet for 
a few years and were then bought by the current incarnation, 
SoftLayer.com whose cheapest dedicated server is about $150/month :-)

Although I bet we would be fine on a virtual server, which just about 
every hosting provider offers now, usually for between $30 and $50 a 
month for entry-level cpu, ram and storage specs.

SoftLayer's are about $50/month, Amazon EC2 and Rackspace Cloud pricing 
is closer to $35.  Lots of other major reputable hosting providers' cold 
host us for about the same too LiquidWeb $50 
(http://www.liquidweb.com/vps/) Peer1's cloud is only $30 
(https://www.zunicore.com/ with a 14 day free trial! can you say "free 
migration time"? lol. As if.), and of course, racing for the bottom, are 
VPS's from all of the hosting industry's Big Box Stores (Verio, 1and1 
and GoDaddy) all essentially pinned at $30 a month:


I guess there's no price fixing collusion going on there :-)

Anyway, I've done several Amazon EC2 clusters this past year for clients 
at the day job, so... what the hell, right? :-)


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