[Sysadmin] evolt dns: bad mx

William Anderson neuro at well.com
Thu Sep 1 13:46:37 CDT 2016

On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 6:56 PM, Dean Mah <dean.mah at gmail.com> wrote:
> What are you asking? Nobody can be arsed about what? I've been supporting
> the running of css-d since it migrated. I clear the mailman queues. I was
> going to do a Mailman upgrade but our python version is old so I need to
> upgrade that as well.

I meant us generally, not you; I know you do a lot when shit breaks.

> The reason that it should be shuttered is because the relevance of evolt.org
> is passed. No one uses it anymore. I see my monthly donation going into a
> black hole.

Has it passed?  Just because the list has gone quiet doesn't mean it's

> In fact, when the css-d list broke down recently, Eric was looking for
> other hosting options. Maybe we just get him to follow through with that
> and completely close it instead of migrating anything.

If evolt the community can't/won't support a migration, I'll pay for it myself.

I've lit up two instances on Digital Ocean.  One is for mail and DNS
(it's in New York), one is for DNS only (it's in Singapore).  They
won't cost more than $10/mo in total, $15-25 if we decide we need more
RAM for the mail one.  The DNS only one is good to go with the current
evolt.org zone file.  If whoever manages the DNS can modify our glue
records to add the hostname and IP, that would be awesome, as it would
mean if bind falls over again on tron, we don't lose mail and the


We can then think about migrating mailman.  I'm unconvinced evolt (in
list form) needs to die at this point.


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