[Theforum] Re: VotingRegs

Warden, Matt mwarden at mattwarden.com
Sun Feb 3 17:19:39 CST 2002

isaac pointed out:
>Yes, the app can be planned so that with only a tiny bit of extra work,
>it could handle theforum-style voting, and fun community polls. Basically
>you'd allow a flag to set either vote or poll

its' already there. see questiontype:


but, I still think that information should be on a table "higher" than
question. i called it "POLL", but, to avoid confusion, it might need to be


Before we start implementing, are there objections to this approach... of
allowing votes and polls in the same application? I can't think of any,
but that's why I'm asking the rest of you :)

>And the priv/group system would allow you make either open
>to certain groups.

Woah there, bronco. Now you're talking about integrating weo with the
polling application. Which would undoubtably lead into a UEUE (dammit, i
can't remember what that stands for anymore: Unified
Evolt...) discussion. I'd like to see this not be stalled by the
(large) undertaking of UEUE*.

And I don't really see the benefit of restricting *poll* results to
certain groups (restricting vote results can be handled already).



* yeah, it's a pretty big deal, which makes it hard to discuss
details... which makes it hard to progress. it may have to wait for
another CodeFest, which is why we don't want to wait for it to be

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