[Theforum] fundraising again.

Joel Canfield Joel at spinhead.com
Fri Mar 1 23:59:20 CST 2002

>So do I - it's like Honest Money in a business relationship.
>It's not significant, but it means you're serious.
>There was something on thelist long those lines:
>"A slight digression which ties back into web design
>questions: Derek Powazak in "Designing for Community" remarks
>that a barrier to entry often makes for a better community.
>The idea behind it is by placing a barrier in front of people,
>you weed out those whose interest is only casual, and those
>who might be there just to cause trouble. Also, by having to
>pass that barrier, the people in the community are more
>committed to making the community work. It's sort of like
>"Earnest money" in a financial transaction. Make the barrier
>too high and no one comes in, so the community fails; make it
>too low and too many come in and the community gets fractious
>and tears itself apart. "

I was thinking of this when I read this
"Hey; new poster; let's kick him in the teeth!"

Somehow, in my twistyturny mind, they're related.

Now starring in my own soap opera, "As The Skin Thickens"


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