Voting (was Re: [theforum] RFV: ServerMatrix Hosting for l.e.o)

Dean Mah dmah at
Fri Jun 4 09:06:34 CDT 2004

On Fri, Jun 04, 2004 at 07:55:14AM +0100, Martin Paul Burns wrote:

> Dean wrote on 03/06/2004 19:54:22:
> > Proposals:
> >
> > 1) moves hosting to ServerMatrix for l.e.o, d.e.o, and b.e.o
> >    immediately and worries about w.e.o later.
> >
> > 2b) gets the biggest box possible for $100/month.
> Given that
> a) We've already said we're OK with spending $100/month at ServerMatrix,
> and have the cash to support that for nearly 2 years without further effort
> b) We've already said that we want to get on and do it ASAP
> c) Sysadmin contains the people best qualified to know whether not going
> dirt cheap will prove longterm value (not least in not having to migrate it
> all again - John perhaps wasn't explicit enough in expressing how
> significant that is)
> why are we even continuing to discuss it? Why not let Sysadmin manage the
> $99/month budget we've allocated? We've already *chosen* the options
> above...

We're not discussing it.  We're voting.  The time for comments has
passed.  I'm looking for a +/-1 validation given specific options that
we can hand over to Finance (David) so that he can talk with
ServerMatrix and get it done.


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