On Thu, 31 August 2000, Erika Meyer wrote: > 1. give me some URLs to really cool band web sites. Portishead http://www.portishead.co.uk/home-j.htm This site is often fairly slow to load, but since I love this band I was willing to wait for it. I think the site does a good job of reflecting Portishead's persona or ambience. Navigation then naturally depends on a certain element of discovery. the cure http://www.thecure.com/home.html This site is, well, oddly done. (to me, anyway) Maintained by two band members who appear to love centering things on the page, but just the idea that they maintain the site themselves makes it somehow mo' bettah than if it was a design-award-winner maintained by their agency. That is to say: "Robert coded this page himself?!? *swoon*" that was a joke, by the way, i'm not really a swooning adolescent. anymore. :) I don't know if these two sites actually qualify as cool. One thing I realized when thinking about this, and reading others' posts, is that maybe when it comes to band sites, the coolness factor has more to do with whether you already like the band. I have a much higher tolerance for crappy web sites for bands I like, than I do for web sites in general. The site will load and I'll think, well this sucks, and then two seconds later I'm lost in the lyrics page anyway so it doesn't matter. Peggy Daniels peg@anxietygirl.com