alo evolteers, situation: i have a select list with 11 items, used for secondary navigation. symptoms: when i "pull down" the select list in IE (5.*, win2000), the browser displays the first 10 items, and leaves the 11th hidden with a scroll bar. (e.g: you need to scroll down the list to see the 11th). research: In IE, the magic number is 10: more than 10 items, and the scollbar appears; 10 or less items, and the whole list is visible, sans scrollbar. In netscape4.7 (pc), the magic number is 19. With 19 or fewer items, there is no scrollbar. with 20 or more items, the scrollbar appears. problem: because i'm only one item past the "magic number" in IE, it looks silly to require a scroll action to reveal a single additional item. Does anyone know if there is a way to set this threshold? I'd love for all the options to be visible without needing a scrollbar. (sorry, but no, i can't reduce the number of options) first guess: i tried the size attribute, but of course that just effects how many rows are initially visible without "pulling" anything down. any suggestions greatly appreciated. TIA. thanks all! nate