-- On Fri, May 10, 2002 at 02:03:54PM +0100, Andrew Maynes wrote: > can you explain render pages visually? Take HTML and put sometime on a screen. I don't have any specific examples of browsers that don't, but there are browser which render as audio (reading the page out) and braile (on a brail device), very useful for people who can't see. > which browsers dont understand css? I have just built an entire site using css! lynx, links, w3c, and dillo pay not attention to it whatsoever. Netscape 4.x has very poor CSS support. Netscape 3 and earlier don't have any CSS support. The list is extensive. -- David Dorward http://david.us-lot.org/ HTML email is a bit like using coloured paper and glitter ink on a CV. -- [ Content was deleted, please don't send attachments with your message. ]